
Love Our Children USA's Programs

"A Hundred Years From Now It Will Not Matter What My    Bank Account Was, The Sort Of House I Lived In, Or The Kind Of Car I Drove...But The World May Be Different Because I Was Important In The Life Of A Child." – Forest Whitcraft


Because each year over 3 million children are victimized and neglected and those are only the ones that are reported! The actual number of child victims is estimated to be three times greater.
Because each year almost 1.8 million children are reported missing – many of them abducted from their own homes and front yards.
Because over 580,000 children in this country live in foster care.
Because 1 out of 7 kids and teens are approached by online predators every day.
Because 1 out of 4 kids are bullied
Because 43% of kids have been bullied online

This is why Love Our Children USA is dedicated to breaking the cycle of violence against children, and has become the 'go-to' prevention organization for all forms of violence and neglect against children in the U.S. 


Public Education and Community Awareness

Offers prevention strategies, information and resources to parents, child caregivers, children, teens and to the general public.

  • Over 5,000,000 visitors to our Web site
  • Offering over 1600 pages of Web resources for parents and children which is constantly growing, as well as individual assistance to those at-risk and in need.
  • Various police precincts in the country display our materials
  • Community outreach
  • Parenting Seminars
  • Seminars for kids and teens

Public Awareness and Advocacy

  • Working with communities, law enforcement, the media and celebrities.
  • Blue Ribbon Pins, two awareness wristbands, Blue Ribbon Keychains and Break The Cycle Necklaces are sold on our Web site. We also create awareness through various community and cause-related marketing initiatives and events.

STOMP Out Bullying™

STOMP Out Bullying™ focuses on reducing and preventing bullying, cyberbullying, sexting and other digital abuse, educating against homophobia, racism and hatred, decreasing school absenteeism and truancy, and deterring violence in schools, online and in communities across the country. It includes peer mentoring programs in schools, public service announcements by noted celebrities, in-school education, online and social media campaigns, posters, brochures and wristbands.

  • 1 out of 4 kids are bullied
  • Up to 43% of students are cyberbullied
  • 9 out of 10 LGBT students experienced harassment at school
  • 8% of students stay home on any given day because they're afraid of being bullied.

The program is an International print, TV and video campaign to end bullying and cyberbullying BEFORE it ever starts. Teaching kids and teens respect, kindness and compassion for others, as well as cyber safety, morals and ethics. It also focuses on school violence prevention.

Positive Parenting Seminars

Redefining parenting for the way we live Today. Promoting positive changes in parenting and family attitudes, along with behavior and prevention strategies. Offering small informative parenting seminars with experts speaking on various parenting issues.

Internet Safety

Educating kids, teens and parents about “Safe Internet Practices

National Love Our Children Day

National Love Our Children Day celebrates America’s children on the first Saturday of every April. Recognized annually with a proclamation from New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the day is a celebration of children …much like Mother’s and Father’s day — but for children, was first introduced on ABC’s “The View.” It was created to acknowledge the value of children - giving them a healthy start. By giving kids the three essential elements which are love, protection and respect, we give our children the confidence they need to become strong and fit adults.

Parents should take time to honor children each year on the first Saturday of April! Events will take place and communities across the country will celebrate their children. This national celebration is an initiative of Love Our Children USA.

By honoring, respecting and protecting children and celebrating the loving relationship we all should have with them, we can keep them safe and protected and break the cycle of violence and neglect against them. Reinforcing values of treating children with kindness and respect, nurturing their development, maintaining their self-esteem, creating a safe, non-violent world in which they can live, and reinforcing loving, healthy families to give all children a healthy start.

Contact Us

Toll Free:
1.888.347.KIDS (5437)