Success Stories

Love Our Children USA Has A History of Helping Children and Families Since 1999

Violence and neglect against children is a sad reality. It has become an epidemic in our country. Parenting education is offered only after parents have failed - children are placed in foster homes only after they are hurt. To be more effective it is urgent to provide parenting education before parents fail. And for those who need treatment, parents as well as children, we must help them as early as possible.

Violence is a learned behavior. And what Is learned can be unlearned. It‘s all about patience, love, respect and education. By eliminating anger, hatred and violence we can change behaviors and create a world of happy and healthy children -- who will grow up to be happy and healthy adults.

At Love Our Children USA we are passionate and committed about teaching adults and children that loving and nurturing children is the ultimate gift you can give.


A father of a 3 year old Texas girl called us because he noticed that his daughter was afraid to go near her mother and subsequently noticed red handprints on her bottom. He didn’t know what to do. In speaking with him we learned that his wife had been abused when she was a child and was now continuing the cycle. After sending the wife information, we spoke with the couple on the phone . Like most abusers she was in denial. We explained that she was continuing the cycle which she hadn't even realized and discussed the consequences of what could happen if she were to continue with this type of parenting. We arranged for her to receive parenting classes in her town and for she and her husband to attend family therapy sessions. Since she began these programs she has not only has not spanked or screamed at her daughter, but has begun creating a loving home situation where her daughter reaches out to her more readily.


A mother of a 5 year old Westchester, NY girl contacted us because someone gave her one of our brochures. When she read how screaming at children can cause great harm to them she realized she needed help. She also realized she was continuing the cycle passed down from her mother.

Love Our Children USA arranged for her to receive parenting classes and anger management therapy close to her home. She has reported to us that she no longer screams at her daughter, but has created a more loving relationship with her.


A 14 year-old New York City teen recently wrote to Love Our Children USA’s “ Ask Annie & Andy” kid and teen advice column on its Web site. She told Annie how she met someone older online who was pushing her to meet him. Through Annie’s recommendation the teen discussed this with her parents who reported the predator, who turned out to be an adult male with a past history of harming children. The 14-year wrote to thank Annie and was grateful she wasn’t a story in the media.


This Florida boy’s life is like a storybook …now! He lives in a loving home, eats dinner with his family, plays with his siblings and goes to bed every night knowing he is safe and loved.

This wasn’t always the way Adam spent his evenings. Most of his evenings were spent being tortured and traumatized by his biological parents, until he was removed from his home and placed into foster care.

Love Our Children USA was contacted by Adam’s foster parents for help to make Adam’s transition easier for him. Adam was so withdrawn and terrified when he moved in with them, that he slept under his bed so no one would hurt him.

Through information, education and referrals of a child psychologist, treatment programs and parenting and family workshops, Adam learned that not every parent hurts their kids. More importantly he accepted the love and nurturing his foster parents gave him and no longer fears adults.

Every day Adam grows more trusting and able to give and receive love … so much so that his foster parents recently adopted him. Adam is thrilled with his new family and knows that he is protected and loved.


A newly divorced St. Louis mother, her three daughters and one son were referred to Love Our Children USA by the District Attorney’s office. The children’s father had hurt them physically … especially the daughters. The son was acting out violently against his sisters and mother, and the daughters were doing poorly in school. The mother was also a victim of domestic violence.

The District Attorney’s office referred the family to social services however, the mother didn’t feel the children were getting the help they needed. They then recommended she contact Love Our Children USA. Through recommended resources and information, the children see a child therapist, are learning anger management and have improved remarkably. Love Our Children USA referred the mother to a parenting group and a domestic violence survivor group. The mother has reportedly obtained work, moved into a safe apartment with her children and the children are thriving.


Nathalie was 15, pregnant and had no family. Living in Roxbury, MA she wanted a better life for her baby but didn’t know where to turn. She was at the library using the Internet and found Love Our Children USA’s Web site and contacted us. Love Our Children USA helped Nathalie enroll in a Young Parents Program in Boston. Through this program Nathalie learned about child development, health issues, childcare and parenting. She said “the counseling has made such a difference. When my baby girl Kaisha won’t stop crying because she has colic, I know how to handle it. I ask for help. I belong to a teen parent group where I can talk about stuff. They put me in the right direction. I never would have found them if I didn’t find Love Our Children USA. Now I feel like I’m a good mom.”


A Wisconsin teen contacted us because she saw an increase in bullying and violence at her school. She realized that this was child abuse and was not only fearful for her friends, but fearful for herself as well. She was afraid to go to school officials for fear of being labeled a "tattletale." We suggested ways that students could remain anonymous and that her school pass out questionnaires, and do a survey to find out what students think about what is happening and what they would like to see done. Another suggestion was that the school put up a peace flag outside on days when there is no conflict in the school. By doing this pride is promoted at school and teaches students that even one person's actions can have consequences that affect everyone. We explained that the school could participate in an Annual Week Without Violence." Other activities included a white out, where students wear as much white as possible to symbolize peace, a unity day, where students wear their school colors. She informed us that she presented these plans to school officials who are now using these suggestions in their safety program. The teen still wishes to remain anonymous but thanked us for our assistance.

All children deserve to be loved, nurtured and safe! Love Our Children USA's goal is to ensure that! If any of these stories touched your heart in even the slighest way, please consider making a donation so we can help more children and families like the ones above.

Keeping America's Children Safe …Strengthening Families

The stories you have read about above all have a happy ending. Yet, there are many more children who live in fear and turmoil ...and who need our help. The children and families above have moved on to embrace lives filled with love and nurturing.

We have used fictitious names and photos in order to keep the identities of the people we help strictly confidential.

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