School metal detectors, security guards and locker searches are not the answers. And conflict resolution and after-school activities are just the tip of the iceberg to the solution.
The lazy days of summer have come to an end and it's time to prepare for the routine of the school year and after school activities. While many parents and children are looking forward to another year of learning and fun, back to school safety should be a priority for your family.
October 31st is Halloween ...a fun tradition that children look forward to but, the excitement of the night can cause children to forget about being careful. The major dangers are not from witches or spirits but from falls, pedestrian/car crashes, and malicious acts of poisoning.
During the holiday season as toy sales skyrocket, the likelihood of toy-related injuries increases, too. However, not all toys are safe. Many contain small parts that could be choking hazards, while others make loud noises that can cause hearing impairments.