
Violence against children is completely preventable!
Get Angry And SAVE A Child.


The way we live today is very different, and because kids don't come with instructions, parents and childcare givers can use all the help they can get -- to insure raising healthy and happy kids. Please use the additional resources below
to help you make a difference for your children, or those children you know.

If you need further assistance, please contact

Love Our Children USA



Childhelp USA
15757 N. 78th St., Scottsdale, AZ 85260
24 hours a day, seven days a week hotline, offering crisis intervention, information, literature and referrals.

Father Flanagan’s Boys Town
14100 Crawford St., Boys Town, NE 68010
A 24-hour, toll-free national hotline for youth and families in crisis. Also offers a variety of in and out-of-home services for children and families which includes, a residential treatment center, residential services, emergency shelter, family preservation, treatment foster care, and parenting classes in 13 states.

Covenant House - Nineline
346 W. 17th St., New York, NY 10011
800-999-9999, TDD 800-999-9915
24 Hour nationwide hotline for runaways and troubled youth and their families. Offers referrals to services in caller's local area. Conference calls and message relays to runaways who wish to speak with their parents.

Child Abuse Laws

Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information
PO Box 1182, Washington, DC 20013
State Laws related to child abuse are available by contacting individual states or in a single volume compilation that includes all 50 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

Child Abuse Reporting

Child Development

Child Trauma Academy
The Child Trauma Academy at Baylor College of Medicine are the leaders in child development and child trauma education.They help understand and serve high-risk children.

1327 W. Washington Boulevard, Suite 3D, Chicago, IL 60607
Email: (P): 312.226.6700 (F): 312.226.6733
Civitas' core mission is to gather cutting-edge research on early childhood development and transform this content into bilingual educational tools. These tools are then broadly disseminated to caregivers and professionals through a national network composed of not-for-profit organizations, government agencies, academic institutions, foundations and corporations.

I Am Your Child
Beverly Hills - P.O. Box 15605, Beverly Hills, CA 90209
(310) 285-2385 phone (310) 205-2760 fax
New York - 1325 6th Avenue, 30th Floor, New York, NY 10019
(212) 636-5030 phone (212) 636-5868 fax
A national public awareness and engagement campaign to make early childhood development a top priority for our nation.

The National Parenting Center (TNPC)
A large magazine format, with news on medical and behavioral issues in parenting and child development.

Pampers Parenting Institute/T. Berry Brazelton
Noted pediatrician T. Berry Brazelton gives advice and answers questions about the first year of a child's development. Providing advice on infant communication, motor skills, cognitive development and feeding -- showing each issue by stage: 3 months, 6 months, up to one year. The Pampers Parenting Institute offers information, supplied by pediatricians, on numerous infant care topics.

Children's Legal Rights and Resources

Do you know of a child who needs an attorney? The National Association of Counsel for Children is a national membership organization for child attorneys and legal professionals. Call 1-888-828-NACC or click here for more information.

American Civil Liberties Union - Children's Rights Project
132 W. 43rd St., New York, NY 10036
A national program of litigation, advocacy and education.

The Children's Law Center of Washington, D.C.
1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 1200, Washington Square, Washington, DC
202.467.4900 Fax 202.467.4949 E-mail:
The Children’s Law Center is a nonprofit organization that provides free legal services to children, their families, and foster and kinship caregivers in the District of Columbia.

Justice For Children
2600 Southwest Freeway, Houston, TX 77098
Justice for Children advocates and intervenes on behalf of the abused and neglected child at any stage of an abused child's court case.

Lawyers For Children
110 Lafayette Street, New York, NY 10013
212-966-6420 Fax 212-966-0531
Lawyers For Children is one of the leading professional, not-for-profit organizations in New York City dedicated to representing children in foster care.

National Center For Youth Law
405 14th Street, 15th Floor, Oakland, California 94612
510-835-8098 Fax: 510-835-8099 E-mail:
A private, non-profit law office serving the legal needs of children and their families

The National Children's Advocacy Center
106 Lincoln St., Huntsville, AL 35801
The center provides child protective services, law enforcement, prosecution, mental health, medicine, education, and other resources in a model community response to child sexual abuse.

Domestic Violence

Family Violence Prevention Fund
The Family Violence Prevention Fund works to prevent violence within the home, and in the community, to help those whose lives are devastated by violence because everyone has the right to live free of violence.

Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community
The Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community intends to provide an interdisciplinary vehicle and forum by which scholars, practitioners and observers of family violence in the African American community will have the continual opportunity to articulate their perspectives on family violence through research findings, examination of service delivery and intervention mechanisms, and identification of appropriate and effective responses to prevent/reduce family violence in the African American community.

Men Against Domestic Violence
In 2002, a handful of men decided we had a responsibility to urge men to speak out against violence against women. We decided that we would organize to voice men's opposition to men's violence against women. After a short time, more men were drawn into discussion and debate on the issue of men's violence.

Men Can Stop Rape
Men Can Stop Rape (formerly Men's Rape Prevention Project) empowers male youth and the institutions that serve them to work as allies with women in preventing rape and other forms of men's violence. Through awareness-to-action education and community organizing, they promote gender equity and build men's capacity to be strong without being violent.

Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP)
The Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Program, founded in 1993 by Northeastern University's Center for the Study of Sport in Society (CSSS), is a leadership program that motivates student-athletes and student leaders to play a central role in solving problems that have historically been considered "women's issues": rape, battering and sexual harassment.

Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse
The Higher Education Center Against Violence and Abuse Web site provides links to articles, resources, institutions, organizations and providers related to domestic violence, as well as the National 24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline.

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
119 Constitution Ave. NE, Washington, DC 20002
To order publications write to PO Box 18749, Denver, CO 80218-0749
or call 303-839-1852.
The coalition is a national membership organization that works to end violence in the lives of battered women and their children. They provide information, publications, newsletters, and resource materials.

National Domestic Violence Hotline
Crisis intervention, information about domestic violence and referrals to local service providers to victims of domestic violence and those calling on their behalf
1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)

National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence
The National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence (Alianza) is part of a national effort to address the domestic violence needs and concerns of the Latino communities. It provides community education and development, research, training and technical assistance and works within public policy.

National Sexual Assault Hotline
The National Sexual Assault Hotline is a 24-hour, anonymous hotline that instantaneously connects callers to the nearest RAINN member center for assistance.

Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence and National Resource Center
National Numbers: Main Office (1-800-537-2238) Legal Office (1-800-903-0111 ext. 2)
The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence and National resource Center Web site provides resources, links and 24-hour hotlines offering legal and crisis assistance.

The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR)
The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR) is an organization working at the state and national levels to prevent sexual violence. Incepted in 1975, PCAR continues to use its voice to challenge public attitudes, raise public awareness, and effect critical changes in public policy, protocols and responses to sexual violence.

RAINN - Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network
RAINN operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline 1.800.656.HOPE
Carries out programs to prevent sexual assault, help victims, and ensure that rapists are brought to justice. The Web site includes statistics, counseling resources, prevention tips, news and more.

Safe At Work Coalition
The Safe@Work Web site is designed to assist employers in addressing the issue of domestic violence. It has been organized to make information available about training curricula, and to model domestic violence workplace policies, address legal issues, and provide domestic violence statistics and resources for employers and employees, as well as offer referrals to necessary social service providers.

Safe Place
SafePlace began in January 1998, when the Center for Battered Women (CBW) and the Austin Rape Crisis Center (ARCC) joined to become a unified source of hope for the Austin/Travis County community. The organization provides services for survivors of interpersonal violence, and assists all people regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, ability, age, national origin
or religion.

SafetyNet Domestic Violence Resources
SafetyNet provides links to articles, resources, shelter numbers, etc. related to domestic violence. The site is currently under reconstruction.

Legal Resources for Domestic Violence

Legal Advocates for Abused Women
The Legal Advocates for Abused Women Web site is dedicated to helping victims of abuse during times of crisis, working within the legal system, law enforcement and the courts. The site provides crisis intervention, safety planning, legal and social services referrals, as well as a 24-Hour, toll-free Domestic Violence Hotline number.

Elder Abuse

National Committee For The Prevention of Elder Abuse
The NCPEA Web site offers links to legislative updates, information for communities, concerned citizens and victims, resources and articles associated with elder abuse.

Sports/Athelete Abuse

Sports Leadership Institute
The Sports Leadership Institute (SLI) embraces the principle that athletics, sports
and physical education are an integral part of the educational process, presenting innumerable opportunities to learn skills that last a lifetime. Working together with
local and national partners, SLI intends to become a leading resource for research, information, analysis and training to academic institutions, government and civic organizations.

Family Resources

American Academy of Pediatrics
141 Northwest Point Boulevard Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-1098
847-434-4000 Fax 847-434-8000
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and its member pediatricians dedicate their efforts and resources to the health, safety and well-being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults.

AARP Grandparent Information Center
601 E St., NW, Room B5436, Washington, DC 20049
For grandparents raising grandchildren, professionals, and support groups

Big Brothers Big Sisters
National Office, 230 N. 13th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
215.567.7000 Fax: 215.567.0394
An organization that matches qualified men, women , and couples to boys and girls ages 7 to 16 living primarily in one parent families.
A magazine format, written by reporters on subjects such as tutoring, general parenting issues, family concerns, discipline, etc.

Family Communications, Inc.
4802 5th Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Written by Fred Rogers, creator of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, its "Let's Talk About It" booklet series facilitates communication between parents and children on subjects such as moving, going to school, discipline, divorce, and death. For one free booklet, indicate the subject and send a self-addressed, stamped, business-sized envelope.

Family Education Network - Learning Network
575 Market Street, 17th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105
A good site for parents in search of advice about how to help their children learn. Articles and discussion groups cover areas like special education, home schooling, and school-parent relations.

Family Support America
20 N. Wacker Dr., Ste. 1100, Chicago, IL 60606
A membership organization of social service agencies concerned with strengthening families through preventive services.

Family Violence Prevention Fund
383 Rhode Island Street, Suite 304, San Francisco, CA 94103-5133
415-252-8900 Fax: 415-252-8991 Email:
An organization that challenges lawmakers to take this issues of violence against women and children seriously, educates judges to protect all victims of abuse, and advocates for laws to help battered immigrant women.

Families and Work Institute
330 Seventh Avenue, 14th Floor, New York, NY 10001
212-465-2044 Fax: 212-465-8637
Families and Work Institute is a non-profit organization that addresses the changing nature of work and family life.

Fatherhood Project
Families and Work Institute, 330 7th Ave., 14th Fl., New York, NY 10001
212-465-2044 Fax 212-465-8637
The Fatherhood Project encourages the participation of males in child rearing through research, demonstration, and dissemination of materials.

National Exchange Club Foundation
3050 W. Central Ave., Toledo, OH 43606-1700
Coordinating a network of over 72 parent aide programs in 31 states and Puerto Rico. Professionally trained and supervised parent aides work with abusive families and families considered at risk, to help parents develop positive parenting skills. They also coordinate the National Parent Aide Network, which develops and supports parent aide programs nationwide, promotes activities that strengthen families, offers support to parents, and prevents child abuse and neglect.

Parents Without Partners, Inc. (PWP)
401 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611-4267
Providing single parents and their children with an opportunity for enhancing personal growth, self-confidence, and sensitivity towards others by offering an environment for support, friendship, and the exchange of parenting techniques.

Stepfamily Association of America (SAA)
215 Centennial Mall South, Suite 212, Lincoln, NE 68502
402-477-7837/800-735-0329 Fax 402-477-8317
Provides information, education, and support for stepfamilies. Members receive a quarterly publication, discount on resources, and free copy of the book "Stepfamilies Stepping Ahead". Quarterly newsletter also available by subscription. Local chapters sponsor monthly meetings. For information or to locate an SAA chapter near you, call or write.

Stepfamily Foundation, Inc.
333 West End Ave., Apt. 11C, New York, NY 10023
Creates awareness of the patterns and problems of stepfamily members, acting as a clearinghouse for information, conducting research, providing a speaker's bureau, publishing a newsletter, and conducting workshops and professional counseling training sessions.

Medical Resources

American Academy of Pediatrics
141 NW Point Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Provides numerous materials for professionals working in the child abuse prevention field.
One of the largest sites on the Web providing doctor-approved health information about children from before birth through adolescence. Created by The Nemours Foundation’s Center for Children’s Health Media.

National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities
P.O. Box 1492, Washington, DC 20013-1492
1-800-695-0285 202-884-8200 Fax 202-884-8441
A national information and referral center that provides information on disabilities and disability-related issues for families, educators, and other professionals.

Mental Health

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
3615 Wisconsin Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20016-3007
202-966-7300 Fax: 202-966-2891
The leading national professional medical association dedicated to treating and improving the quality of life for children, adolescents, and families affected by developmental, psychological and psychiatric disorders.

May Institute
Provides comprehensive, research-validated services to children and adults with autism, brain injury, mental retardation, pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), and behavioral healthcare needs.

National Institute of Mental Health
Public Inquiry Section, 5600 Fishers La., MSC8030, Room 7C-02, Bethesda, MD 20892
Information on mental health topics such as stress, anxiety, and depression, and for general parenting materials

Missing Children

Amber Alert
AMBER Alert is a proven success and has helped rescue more than 200 children nationwide. More than 80 percent of those recoveries have occurred since AMBER Alert became a nationally coordinated effort in 2002.

Child Alert Foundation
Box 357, Route 87 South, Dushore, PA 18614-0357
570-928-8422 Fax: 570-928-8110
The Child Alert Foundation is the focal point for providing immediate notification for the cooperative effort between local media (radio/TV) and law enforcement agencies. This program will identify the target city of an abduction and locate the radio/TV stations as well as police departments within a 100 mile radius to formulate the fastest method for first alert notification.

Child Find America
Child Find has helped locate, return to a legal environment and positively impacted the lives of thousands of children.

Code Amber Alert
Web Code Amber Ticker is on over 175,000 web sites and desktops. They have delivered over 500,000,000 tickers to date.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

The Committee for Missing Children
Since 1991 The CMC and it's photo partners have distributed over 2 billion images of missing children in elementary schools throughout the USA.

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
2101 Wilson Blvd., Suite 550, Arlington, VA 22201
The center works to locate and recover missing children and reduce crimes against children. To report information about a missing child or to request free brochures on child protection call the toll-free number.

National Missing Children Organization
Nonprofit agency providing nationwide assistance to law enforcement and families of missing persons.

Missing Adults

The Nation’s Missing Children Organization and Center for Missing Adults
2432 W. Peoria Avenue Suite 1283, Phoenix, AZ 85029
602-944-1768 / 1-800-690-FIND Fax: 602-944-7520
NMCO works with cases of endangered missing persons, unsolved homicides and unidentified persons. They concentrate on maintaining public awareness through distribution of photographs and information regarding missing persons and working with law enforcement agencies and other organizations nationwide.

Parenting Resources

American Guidance Service (AGS)
4201 Woodland Rd., Circle Pines, MN 55014
800-328-2560 612-786-4343 Fax 612-786-9077
AGS produces STEP materials for parents, as well as a newsletter. AGS also produces additional publications and videos for parents of teens and preschoolers. Please call to receive a catalog on parenting.

Baby Center
A complete resource for pregnancy and baby. Created by parents and reviewed by doctors and other experts, it contains current articles, answers to thousands of questions.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
230 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, PA 19107
Volunteers support families under stress and single parents by working with children in need of additional attention and friendship.

Birth To Three
Birth To Three is a private non-profit organization that provides parenting education and support to families with young children.

Brazelton TOUCHPOINTS Center
Brazelton Touchpoints Center (BTC) is a training organization at the Child Development Unit, Children's Hospital, Boston .  Offering training based on the work of Dr. T. Berry  Brazelton  which combines relationship building and child development into a framework that professionals can use to enhance their work with families. 

Center For The Improvement of Child Caring
11331 Ventura Blvd., Suite 103, Studio City, CA 91604
Training for parents and parenting instructors nationwide. Offers a wide variety of workshops nationwide including two ethnic programs, effective Black Parenting, and Los Ninos Bien Educados.

Child Support Network
Since 1995 Child Support Network has collected millions of dollars for thousands of frustrated parents

Consumer Reports - Kids
By subscribing online, parents can access all of Consumer Reports Online for kids’ products and services, plus selected excerpts from our other products and services.

Effective Parenting Information for Children (EPIC) Program Inc.
Buffalo State College, 1300 Elmwood Ave., 340 Cassety Hall, Buffalo, NY 14222
716-886-6396 Fax 716- 886-0221
EPIC provides parenting education to help young people develop strength of character, self-esteem, and skills necessary for facing difficult decisions throughout their lives. The program also includes teachers' training and classroom activities infused into mandated curricula, workshops for parents, and networking activities with community agencies.

Family Communications, Inc.
4802 5th Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Written by Fred Rogers, creator of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, its "Let's Talk About It" booklet series facilitates communication between parents and children on subjects such as moving, going to school, discipline, divorce, and death. For one free booklet, indicate the subject and send a self-addressed, stamped, business-sized envelope.

Gordon Training International
531 Stevens Avenue West, Solana Beach, CA 92075-2093, (800) 359-5915.
Email: Offers parenting classes through authorized instructors and self-study video programs. Programs teach conflict resolution, communication skills, how to raise self-disciplined children, how to have egalitarian family and marriage relationships.

A group of parents committed to making a positive and lasting difference in the lives of parents and children have created an online community that shares their values and goals in raising, educating and providing for children.

LifeMatters is a compilation of articles, products and online classes. Provides on-line parenting classes where they teach a respectful and effective parenting approach and experience more joy and more fun being with your children.

The National Parenting Center (TNPC)
A large magazine format, with news on medical and behavioral issues in parenting and child development.

National Parenting Information Network
An Internet discussion group on topics related to parenting children (including child development, education, and care) from birth through adolescence. Discussion ranges from family leave and parental rights issues, to parents as partners in their children's education, to the changes we see in our children as they leave high school and begin college or get their first job.

Natural Child Project
Interesting site with a point of view about how children should be raised with respect for their natural abilities and humanity.  Includes advice, articles and other features.

Parents Anonymous (P.A.)
675 W. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220, Claremont, CA 91711,
A national movement to bring help, support, strength, and hope to millions of abused children and parents under stress across America. To locate a group in your area, look in the white pages of your telephone directory under Parents Anonymous.

Provides information about a variety of issues related to parenting.

Developmental checklist, email an expert, pediatrician finder and other useful information.

Parenting information customized to the age of your child. ParentTime inclues online advice from experts such as Dr. Bill and Martha Sears, lactation consultant Kathleen Huggins, R.N., pediatrician Dr. Nancy Snyderman and even Dr. Ruth Westheimer.

Salvation Army
Eastern Territory: 440 W. Nyack Rd., PO Box C-635, West Nyack, NY 10994-0635
Southern Territory: 1424 NE Expressway, Atlanta, GA 30329, 404-728-1300
Central Territory: 10 W. Algonquin, Des Plaines, IL 60016, 708-294-2000
Western Territory: 30840 Hawthorne Blvd., Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90274, 213-541-4721

Your local office is listed in the telephone book, or contact one of the above territorial offices. The Salvation Army offers such services as emergency shelter, temporary foster-home care for children, temporary housing and transitional residential programs, family, prenatal, and postnatal counseling, care and guidance for unwed and expectant mothers, counseling for unmarried fathers.

For Fathers

B-Dads pride themselves on having strong family values and a fervent commitment to our community. They provide a support and fellowship mechanism for fathers of African American children and empower and educate their children by instilling within them strong cultural pride and nurturing an understanding of the importance of being positive assets to our society.

Boot Camp for Dads
Helps new fathers to adjust to their role as parents. Offers useful tips and suggestions on how to transition into their role as father and caregiver.

Center for Successful Fathering
Helps fathers without role models learn to be good parents.

The Center on Fathers, Families, and Public Policy (CFFPP)
A public policy organization dealing with issues related to fathers and their families.

Dads & Daughters
Inspiring fathers to actively and deeply engage in the lives of their daughters and galvanizes fathers and others to transform the pervasive cultural messages that devalue girls and women.

The Fathers Network
This site is dedicated to helping fathers of children with special needs.

National Center for Fathering
A comprehensive website offering insight and information on a variety of issues facing fathers.

The National Fatherhood Initiative (NFI)
To improve the well-being of children by increasing the proportion of children growing up with involved, responsible, and committed fathers.

National Partnership for Community Leadership

Recommended Reading

Safety Programs

Child Lures Prevention
5166 Shelburne Road, Shelburne, VT 05482
tel: 802.985.8458 fax: 802.985.8416
Effective personal safety resources by noted author Ken Wooden, available for parents, educators, professionals, and most importantly, children. These programs are designed to prevent childhood sexual exploitation, abduction, Internet crime, drug use and school violence.

Impact & PREPARE Personal Safety
PREPARE 147 West 25th Street 8th Floor New York NY 10001-7205
tel 212-255-0505, 800-442-7273
IMPACT Personal Safety 5450 Slauson Avenue PMB 230 Culver City, Ca 90230
tel 310-360-1096, 800-345-5425
Offering personal safety and assertiveness training adults and children against violent attacks.

Self-Help Groups

The National Self-Help Clearinghouse
Graduate School, City University of New York, 25 W. 43rd St., Room 620
New York, NY 10036
Self-help groups can be most helpful to parents with children who have special needs. These families can find extra support and learn new ways of handling difficult situations by communicating with others in similar situations. For listings of self-help groups, send a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope.

Sexual Abuse

National Sexual Assault Hotline
Hotline at 1.800.656.HOPE
This nationwide partnership of more than 1,100 local rape treatment hotlines provides victims of sexual assault with free, confidential services around the clock. The hotline helped 133,000 sexual assault victims in 2004 and has helped more than 900,000 since it began in 1994.

Safer Society/Sexual Abuser Treatment
PO Box 340, Brandon, VT 05733
Referral Line 802-247-5141
Provides a helpline if you are sexually abusing a child, or think you may know a child who is being abused. All calls are conential. Service is available Monday, Wednesday & Friday 1:00 - 4:30PM EST

P.O. Box 495, Haydenville, MA 01039
Tel: 413.268.3096 Toll-Free Helpline 1-888-PREVENT  E-mail
Call this toll free helpline if you are sexually abusing a child or think you may know a child who is being abused. All calls are conential. Service is available Monday, Wednesday & Friday 1:00 - 4:30PM EST

Shaken Baby Syndrome

The Matty Eappen Foundation
Improves the safety and welfare of children by educating the public about the dangers of shaking a child

The National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome
Parental guide to coping with a crying baby and general information about Shaken Baby Syndrome.

SBS Prevention Plus
The organization supplies information and materials designed and proven to prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) and other forms of physical child abuse.

The Shaken Baby Syndrome
Advocacy web site for shaken baby syndrome prevention, support and justice.

Support for New Parents

Birth To Three
86 Centennial Loop, Eugene, OR 97401
Programs are for parents of infants, toddlers, and for teenage parents.

Healthy Families America (HFA)
200 S. Michigan Avenue, 17th Floor, Chicago, IL 60604
HFA is an initiative designed to support and educate new parents through the establishment of intensive home visitor services nationwide.

123 N. Third St., Suite 507, Minneapolis, MN 55401
612-332-7563 Fax 612-344-1959
Offering parent information and support groups in locations around the country. Groups are led by carefully selected and trained volunteer peer facilitators. Programs include New Parents, Young Moms, and, MELD for hearing Impaired Parents, MELD Special for parents of children with special needs, and Nueva Familia for Hispanic families.

Teen Parent Connection (a program of Child Abuse Prevention Services)
3308 Broadway, Suite 100, San Antonio, TX 78209
210-829-KIDS Fax 210-829-5882
The Teen Parent Connection is a multiservice program of self-help, peer support groups for first time teen parents and their infants.

Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families
734 15th Street NW 10th Floor, Washington, DC 20005
202-638-1144 Fax 202-638-0851 Publications: 800-899-4301
Zero to Three works to advance the healthy development of babies and young children. They support parents by increasing public awareness, fostering professional excellence through training, promoting the discovery and application of new knowledge concerning early child development and educating parents.

Trauma Resources

Child Trauma Academy
The Child Trauma Academy at Baylor College of Medicine are the leaders in child development and child trauma education.They help understand and serve high-risk children.

Child Welfare League of America
440 First Street, NW, Third Floor, Washington, DC 20001-2085
Tel. (202) 638-2952 FAX (202) 638-4004
An association of more than 1,000 public and private nonprofit agencies that assist over 2.5 million abused and neglected children and their families each year with a wide range of services. There have many resources for families and professionals working with traumatized children.

Prevent Child Abuse America
200 S. Michigan Avenue, 17th Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60604-2404
Tell: (312) 663-3520 Fax: (312) 939-8962
PCA seeks to equip professionals with the latest, proven prevention approaches through training and technical assistance.

Additional Resources and Information


Generations of Hope
1530 Fairway Drive, Rantoul, IL 61866
217-893-467 (voice) 217-893-3126 (fax)
A diverse intergenerational neighborhood, supporting the adoption of unwanted children.

Dave Thomas Adoption Foundation
Dramatically increase the number of adoptions of waiting children in North America

National Adoption Center "Faces of Adoption"
1500 Walnut Street, Suite 701, Philadelphia, PA 19102
The National Adoption Center believes that "there are no unwanted children, just unfound families."Since 1972, the Center has found families for over 18,000 children.

NAIC - National Adoption Clearinghouse
330 C Street, SW, Washington, DC 20447
Phone: (703) 352-3488 or (888) 251-0075 Fax: (703) 385-3206
A comprehensive resource on all aspects of adoption, is a service of the Children's Bureau, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services.

National Council for Adoption (NCFA)
1930 17th St., NW, Washington, DC 20009
NCFA is a membership organization of private agencies and individuals who are involved in the field of adoption. NCFA sponsors the National Adoption Hotline, 202-328-1200, providing information about adoption. They refer an individual to the agency responsible for adoption in their own state.

National Foster Parent Association
Striving to support foster parents, and remains a consistently strong voice on behalf of all children.

3450 Sacramento Street Suite 239, San Francisco, CA 94118
(415) 221-6957 (510) 482-2089 FAX e-mail:
Pact has developed a national reputation for excellence in serving all members of the adoption triad. Each year, Pact offers educational events attended by more than 1500 individuals, provides - free of charge - over 1000 crisis consultations to birth parents, and consults with hundreds of potential adoptive parents. Top priority is given to programs especially designed to support and inform adopted children and adopted adults of color.

Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse

Adult Children of Alcoholic and Dysfunctional Family (ACOA) Incest Survivors
Twelve step meeting workshops

Adults Molested As Children United (AMACU)
232 E. Gish, San Jose, CA 95112. (408) 453-7616.
A self-help program for adults who were sexually abused as children, developed by Parents United. To find a local AMACU group, or for referrals to local sexual abuse treatment specialists, contact the office in San Jose.

Children of Alcoholics Foundation
164 West 74th Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10023
212-595-5810 x.7760 or 7764
Promotes public and professional awareness of the problems of children of alcoholics and disseminates new research findings to break the vicious cycle of family alcoholism. The foundation operates a helpline which provides referrals to national and local self-help, counseling groups, and treatment agencies.

The Healing Woman Foundation
PO Box 28040, San Jose, CA 95159
408-246-1788 telephone 408-247-4309 fax
A nonprofit organization dedicated to providing recovery resources for women survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

Incest Survivors Anonymous (ISA)
PO Box 17245, Long Beach, CA 90807-7245
Provides information on self-help meetings which are Twelve-Step and Twelve-Tradition and spiritually oriented for survivors of incest. Check local listings for information about meetings in your area.

National Organization on Male Sexual Victimization
PMB 103, 5505 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20015-2601
An organization of diverse individuals committed through research, education, advocacy, and activism to the prevention, treatment and elimination of all forms of sexual victimization of boys and men.

Parents Anonymous (PA)
675 W. Foothill Blvd, Ste 220, Claremont, CA 91711-3475
There are 2,100 groups across the United States. Many have groups for adult survivors of child abuse. To locate a group in your area, look in the white pages of your telephone directory under Parents Anonymous or contact National Parents Anonymous.

SNAP (Survivors Network of Those Abused By Priests)
PO Box 6416, Chicago, IL 60680-6416
Toll-Free Phone: 1-877-SNAPHEALS (1-877-762-7432)

VOICES In Action, Inc. (Victims of Incest Can Emerge Survivors)
PO Box 148309, Chicago, IL 60614
VOICES In Action is an international nonprofit organization working to support and empower victims of childhood sexual abuse and to educate the public about the prevalence of incest. VOICES holds annual conferences, publishes a bimonthly newsletter, and provides referrals to self-help and therapy resources.

Children and Youth Resources

Father Flanagan's Boys Town
14100 Crawford St., Boys Town, NE 68010
Offers a variety of in and out-of-home services for children and families which includes, a residential treatment center, residential services, emergency shelter, family preservation, treatment foster care, and parenting classes in 13 states. Boys Town also operates a 24-hour, toll-free national hotline for youth and families in crisis, 800-448-3000.

National Network for Youth
1319 F St. NW, Suite 401, Washington, DC 20004
Engages in public education, promoting high quality, effective programs and services among youth-serving organizations.
3500 Sunrise Highway Suite T210
Great River, NY 11739
631-224-9500 Fax 631-224-9559
The school safety hotline for K-12, colleges and universities. The early warning system that students use to alert school administrators if they feel their safety or the safety of others may be at risk. Students can report online or call 1-800-448-3000 and provide their school code to speak to a crisis counselor.

Childhood Obesity and Nutrition

American Academy of Pediatrics

Joy Bauer Nutrition
New York City Office 212-759-6999
Westchester, NY Office 914-701-0012
Joy Bauer Nutrition Centers provide per sonal, one-on-one and group counseling to both adults and children with nutrition concerns. Whether you are seeking treatment for a complex medical condition, weight-loss advice, or would like general information on improving your overall health, you will leave your initial appointment with useful knowledge you can implement immediately.

Baylor College Children's Nutrition Research Center

Chris Sare Nutrition 4 Kids
New York and Los Angeles

USDA's Team Nutrition
USDA's Team Nutrition
3101 Park Center Drive, Room 632, Alexandria, VA 22302
Team Nutrition is an initiative of the USDA Food and Nutrition Service to support the Child Nutrition Programs through training and technical assistance for foodservice, nutrition education for children and their caregivers, and school and community support for healthy eating and physical activity.

Gifted and Challenged Children

The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps (TASH)
29 West Susquehanna, Suite 210, Baltimore, MD 21204
410-828-8274 Fax 410-828-6706 TDD 410-828-1306
TASH is an international organization concerned with human dignity, education, and independence for individuals who have traditionally been labeled "severely intellectually disabled." They provide public awareness and legal issue information which affects the handicapped.

Boys Town National Research Hospital - Center for Abused Children with Disabilities (CACD)
555 N. 30th St., Omaha, NE 68131-9909
402-498-1657 Fax 402-498-1654
Psychiatric services provides assessment and intervention of abused children with disabilities and their families.

PACER Center
8161 Normandale Blvd., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55437
952-838-9000 TTY: 952-838-0190 Toll-free in Greater Minnesota: 800-537-2237
Fax: 952-838-0199 E-mail:
The Let's Prevent Abuse project features 3 puppet shows for children (grades K-4) on abuse. The project also offers workshops and written materials to groups and parent organizations about child maltreatment and the increased vulnerability for children with disabilities.

The Shield Abuse & Trauma Project
39-09 214th Place, Bayside, NY 11361
718-229-5757 ext. 216 Fax 718-225-3159
The Shield Abuse & Trauma Project provides a unique program of services to individuals with developmental disabilities who have experienced abuse or other traumatic experiences resulting in emotional, behavioral or interpersonal difficulties. They provide individual and group treatment.

Gun Control

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
1225 Eye Street, NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20005
202-289-7319 Fax 20-408-1851
The largest national, non-partisan, grassroots organization leading the fight to prevent gun violence.

Gun Free Kids
An Internet action center that exists for a single, simple, urgent purpose: To make it easy for users to ask their national and local elected officials to support legislation that will help keep guns away from children.

Million Mom March
A national grassroots, chapter-based organization dedicated to preventing gun death and injury and supporting victims and survivors of gun trauma.

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
1023 15th Street, N.W., Suite 600, Washington, DC 20005
A coalition of more than forty religious, labor, medical, educational and civic organizations that supports a ban on the importation, manufacture, sale and transfer of handguns and assault weapons, with reasonable exceptions for police, military, security personnel, gun clubs, and antique and collectable firearms stored in inoperable condition. Hunting weapons, such as shotguns and rifles, would be unaffected by these bans.

International Abductions

P.A.R.E.N.T. International
An international agency that works to provide relief for families separated by international child abduction with an emphasis on Middle East abductions.

Reunite International Child Abduction Centre
Pprovidea advice, information and support to parents, family members and guardians who have had a child abducted or who fear child abduction. We also provide advice to parents who may have abducted their child as well as advising on international contact issues


Child Safe International
The Internet Watchdog

A public service to help ensure that families have safe, constructive, and educational or entertaining online experiences. The GetNetWise coalition wants Internet users to be just "one click away" from the resources they need to make informed decisions about their family's use of the Internet.

U.S. Department of Energy
If your teen gets e-mail, chances are he will at some point get an alert about a virus. These alerts can be serious or not, and you may want to know what to do. Internet or e-mail viruses and hoaxes are monitored by the government's Computer Incident Advisory Capability.

Kidsnet Inc.
2002 San Marco Blvd, Suite 201, Jacksonville, FL 32207
904-398-1911 Fax 904-398-9440   Winchester, England Office (44) 7813 240-893
Kidsnet the ultimate parental control software is a unique, powerful approach that lets you determine what your children can access on the Internet. Their software allows you to closely and specifically control what your children access. Content specialists review millions of Web sites to ensure complete protection of your children. They have examined more than 98% of the most visited sites on the web with a special focus on sites interesting to children.

Safe email for kids gives parents confidence as they choose the different levels of protection they want depending on who the child is communicating with. For each person on your child's email list, you can set the level you are comfortable with.

kidz Privacy
Learn about privacy laws passed by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. These rules require Web sites to get parental permission when they request personal information from children under 13 years of age. This site includes areas for children, parents, and Web site owners.

Net Family News
PO Box 1283, Madison, CT 06443
A nonprofit public service providing net news for families, parents, teachers, and other caregivers of online kids.

Net Nanny
Net Nanny Software, Inc.
15831 NE 8th Street, Suite 200, Bellevue, Washington 98008
425-688-3008 Fax: 425-688-3010
Protective Internet filtering software that gives parents peace of mind for children on the Internet. Allows parents to filter harmful web sites, monitor online activity, and protect personal information. An important tool for all parents who’s children are on the Internet.

A Web site from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children to help parents teach children how to navigate the Internet safely and to provide a learning experience that children will enjoy and understand.
Tips and suggestions to make your family's online experience fun and productive

Safe Surf
The original Internet Rating System

Web Wise Kids
Dedicated to ensuring child internet safety by giving tips and advice to parents and children on how to protect themselves from online predators.


Pause Parent Play
Pause Parent Play is a campaign designed to empower parents to choose what their kids watch, hear and play - from TV and movies to video games and music.


America's Promise
To mobilize people from every sector of American life to build the character and competence of our nation's youth by fulfilling Five Promises for young people: Ongoing relationships with caring adults in their lives - parents, mentors, tutors, or coaches; Safe places with structured activities during nonschool hours; Healthy start and future; Marketable skills through effective education; and Opportunities to give back through community service.

National Mentoring Partnership
1600 Duke Street, Suite 300, Alexandria, VA 22314
Main phone: 703-224-2200
As the resource for information about mentoring and mentoring initiatives, they provide the resources and tools mentoring groups need to effectively serve young people inthe resource for information about mentoring and mentoring initiatives.

Miscellaneous Resources

Alliance Learning™, Inc.
Alliance identifies and solves social problems on a large scale. Unlike traditional business entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs seek to generate "social value". Their work is targeted not only towards immediate, small-scale effects, but sweeping, long-term change. Alliance is advancing sustainable solutions and creating social change globally by targeting the K-12 market for intervention, remediation, tutoring and supplemental education in the subject areas of Math, Language Arts, and Phonics.

Gavin De Becker & Associates
Gavin de Becker is widely regarded as our nation's leading expert on the prediction and management of violence. He is the best-selling author of THE GIFT OF FEAR, PROTECTING THE GIFT, and FEAR LESS. His work has earned him three Presidential appointments and a position on a congressional committee.

Andrew Vachss
Andrew Vachss is an attorney and best-selling author who has dedicated his career to protecting maltreated children. His site has a host of useful links, compelling writing and powerful, effective methods for changing social policy, law and practice related to the maltreatment of children.

Products and programs educate children ages 4 to 14 to protect themselves from child abuse, abduction, bullies, internet stalking, school violence and other forms of social violence.

Multi-Cultural Organizations

American Indian Institute (AII)
College of Continuing Education and Public Service, The University of Oklahoma
555 Constitution St., Suite 237, Norman, OK 73072-7820
405-325-4127 Fax 405-325-7757
Serving North American Indian tribes and bands through workshops, seminars, and consultation on a state, regional, national, and international basis. It also co-sponsors the annual National American Indian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect.

1501 16th St. NW, Washington, DC 20036
202-387-5000 Fax 202-797-4353
A national nonprofit coalition of Hispanic organizations serving the Mexican-American,
Puerto Rican, Cuban, and Latino communities in the areas of health and human services, substance abuse prevention, and family strengthening.

National Black Child Development Institute, Inc. (NBCDI)
1023 15th St. NW Suite 600, Washington, DC 20005
202-387-1281 Fax 202-234-1738
With its 42 volunteer affiliates, they work to improve the quality of life for African American children and youth through public education and services in the areas of child care, education, child welfare, and health. Publications on issues in the above areas also are available.

People of Color Leadership Institute, (POCLI)
714 G St. SE, Washington, DC 20003
202-544-3144 Fax 202-547-3601
POCLI's mission is to increase knowledge skills, and competency in ethnic and cultural issues among child and family welfare professionals and agencies; to promote leadership among professionals of color in the fields of child and family welfare juvenile justice mental health and preventive services.


Child Welfare League of America (CWLA)
440 First St. NW, Suite 310, Washington, DC 20001-2085
202-638-2952 Fax 202-638-4004
CWLA is a membership association of public and private nonprofit agencies, which together serve over two million children and their families across the United States annually. CWLA's member agencies provide a wide range of services to protect abused, neglected, and otherwise vulnerable children and youths.

National Coalition to Abolish Corporal Punishment in Schools (NCACPS) - Center for Effective Discipline
155 W. Main St., Suite 100-B, Columbus, OH 43215
614-221-8829 Fax 614-228-5058
An organization of parents, child advocates, and professional associations that seeks to have corporal punishment banned as a means of discipline in schools. NCACPS provides fact sheets, resource materials, and consultation on state and local actions to ban corporal punishment. They head E.P.O.C.H.-USA a multinational federation to End Physical punishment On Children in the United the States.

National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC)
1700 K Street, NW, Second Floor, Washington, DC 20006-3817
202-466-NCPC Fax 202-296-1356
NCPC focuses on national crime prevention.

Partners In Prevention

Family Violence Prevention Fund
383 Rhode Island St. Suite #304
San Francisco, CA 94103-5133
415-252-8900 Fax: 415-252-8991 TTY: 1-800-595-4889
The Family Violence Prevention Fund works to prevent violence within the home, and in the community, to help those whose lives are devastated by abuse, because every person has a right to live in a home free of violence.
3500 Sunrise Highway Suite T210
Great River, NY 11739
631-224-9500 Fax 631-224-9559
The school safety hotline for K-12, colleges and universities. The early warning system that students use to alert school administrators if they feel their safety or the safety of others may be at risk. Students can report online or call 1-800-448-3000 and provide their school code to speak to a crisis counselor.

Substance Abuse

Al-Anon / Alateen
Helping families and friends of alcoholics recover from the effects of living with the problem drinking of a relative or friend. Similarly, Alateen is our recovery program for young people. Alateen groups are sponsored by Al-Anon members.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
General Service Office, PO Box 459, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163
AA is a worldwide fellowship of men and women who help each other maintain sobriety through AA's Twelve Step Program of recovery. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. AA is a nonprofessional, self-supporting, nondenominational, apolitical organization with 90,000 groups in 133 countries.

D.A.R.E. America
D.A.R.E. is a police officer-led series of classroom lessons that teach children from kindergarten through 12th grade how to resist peer pressure and live productive drug and violence-free lives. The program initially focused on elementary school children. It has now been expanded to include middle school and high school students.

Hazelden Foundation
P. O. Box 11 • CO3 • Center City, Minn. 55012-0011
Hazelden is a non-profit organization providing high quality, affordable rehabilitation,
education, prevention, and professional services and publications in chemical dependency and related disorders.

The National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACoA)
1-888-55-4COAS (2627)
The National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACoA) believes that none of these vulnerable children should grow up in isolation and without support. NACoA is the national nonprofit membership organization working on behalf of children of alcohol and drug dependent parents.

National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI)
11426 Rockville Pike, Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20852
NCADI is a communications service of the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. They provides information, prevention and education resources, and prevention programs. Call for their catalog.

National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD)
20 Exchange Place, Suite 2902, New York, NY 10005
phone: 212/269-7797 fax: 212/269-7510
HOPE LINE: 800/NCA-CALL (24-hour Affiliate referral)
Provides education, information, help and hope to the public. They advocate prevention, intervention and treatment through offices in New York and Washington, and a nationwide network of Affiliates.

Partnership For A Drug-Free America
405 Lexington Avenue, Suite 1601, New York, NY 10174
Phone: 212-922-1560 Fax: 212-922-1570
The Partnership For A Drug-Free America is a non-profit coalition of professionals from
the communications industry, whose mission is to help teens reject substance abuse. The Partnership works to decrease demand for drugs and other substances by changing societal attitudes which support, tolerate or condone drug use.

Phoenix House
The nation's largest non-profit organization devoted to the treatment and prevention of substance abuse - treating nearly 5,400 adults and adolescents each day at more than 80 programs in eight states.

SMART Recovery
7537 Mentor Avenue, Suite #306, Mentor, Ohio 44060
Phone: 440-951-5357. FAX:440-951-5358. E-mail:
Offering recovery programs from alcohol addiction, alcoholism, alcohol dependency,
alcohol problems, drug addiction, drug dependency, drug problems, family problems, legal issues, court mandated recovery program attendance, non- 12 step groups, alcohol , drug, substance abuse referral info.

National Center for Tobacco-Free Kids
1400 Eye Street, Suite 1200, Washington DC 20005 202.296.5469
Fighting to free America's youth from tobacco and to create a healthier environmen, they are. one of the nation's largest non-governmental initiatives ever launched to protect children from tobacco addiction and exposure to secondhand smoke.

Open Records of Offenders

Internet Open Records Project
Search records for some neighborhoods where child abusers and molesters live.

Teen Pregnancy

The National Campaign to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy
1776 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20036
Improving the well-being of children, youth, and families by reducing teen pregnancy. Thier goal has been to reduce the rate of teen pregnancy by one-third between 1996 and 2005.

Victims of Crime

National Center for Victims of Crime
infolink: 1-800-FYI-CALL
211 Wilson Blvd., Suite 300, Arlington, VA 22201
Tel: 703-276-2880  Fax: 703-276-2889
Provides information and referrals to victims of crime. In addition, they offer 73 information bulletins on various violent crimes and victim rights.

Your source for crime victim rights and protection
A comprehensive, user-friendly, on-line database of victims' rights statutes, tribal laws, constitutional amendments, court rules, administrative code provisions, and case summaries of related court decisions that meets the needs of a wide variety of users with different levels of substantive and technological expertise. Such ready access to information can advance the cause of crime victims' rights by facilitating the exercise, implementation, and enforcement of those rights.

Safety Products

Baby B' Safe Childproofing
email -
Phone 877-808-2229
Baby B' Safe Childproofing Inc. specializes in making sure your child is accident free at home. We offer a wide variety of products that have been researched and tested to provide optimal safety for your child.

Baby Safe America

Contact Us

Toll Free:
1.888.347.KIDS (5437)