If You're Pregnant & Do Not Want Or Cannot Keep Your Baby

    If You’re Pregnant …
You Don’t Want The Baby … And Cannot Tell Anyone ...

You Have a Choice!

Most states have safe haven laws , where a parent, no matter what age, may surrender the baby to a safe haven.

If you are pregnant and honestly and truly feel you cannot take care of your baby and you cannot tell a relative, parent or friend and you cannot consider adoption or any other resource – it is important to remember that most states do have Safe Haven Providers.

You should think about this very carefully. First -- talk to someone you trust. Discuss your options before you decide to surrender your baby to a safe haven. Never harm or abandon your baby in any way.

If you decide not to bring your baby to a safe haven provider, and you abandon your baby in any other place, or harm it in any way – you can be legally charged with child endangerment and face a jail sentence. It is a crime!

This is why safe haven laws were created. It allows you to surrender your baby and leave it in a legal and safe environment.

Safe Haven Providers

Safe haven providers include hospitals, emergency medical services, police stations, and fire stations. Generally, anyone on staff at these institutions can receive an infant, and the provider is authorized to provide any care and treatment the infant may require.

The focus of these laws is to protect newborns, and in approximately 16 States, infants who are 72 hours old or younger may be relinquished to a designated safe haven.

Immunity From Liability

Safe haven providers are given protection from liability for anything that might happen to the infant while in their care unless there is evidence of major negligence on the part of the safe haven.

Protections for the Parents

You can remain anonymous.

However, your privileges of anonymity and immunity will be forfeited in most States if there is evidence of abuse or neglect of the child.

Consequences of Relinquishment

In most States with safe haven laws, custody of the infant who has been relinquished will be transferred to the department that handles child protective or child welfare cases.

Contact Us

Toll Free:
1.888.347.KIDS (5437)
email: info@loveourchildrenusa.org