Take Some Tips From Love Our Children USA's
Teen Bullying and Cyber Bullying Prevention Spokesperson
Krysten Moore, Miss Teen New Jersey International 2007
Don’t Get Angry!
When you’re being bullied your first reaction is to get angry with the person who is bullying you. Do you know that’s exactly what the bully wants you to do? Bullies want control – over you and your feelings. Getting angry will not solve the situation … it will only make it worse! And getting angry will make the bully feel even more powerful.
Getting Physical Or Bullying Back DOES NOT Work!
Don’t get push, hit, kick or punch your bully. It makes matters worse.
Be Courageous!
Stand up for yourself! Never start a discussion or argue with a bully, even if you've got a great line. You just want to get them off your back, not make them angry.
Some lines to come back with to your bully are:
Ignore insults or name-calling. It'll be hard, but stay calm and never let them see you sweat. Take a deep breath and try not show that you are upset or angry. Never believe what the bully is saying. Bullies love attention and are just trying to get a reaction from you. It's easier to give them the brush off if you don't let them get under your skin. They'll get bored and move on.
Check out the way you act and be aware of your body language. How you carry yourself can bring on a bully. Slouching, looking at the ground or feet, and fidgeting make people think that you are afraid or nervous. Try to walk with your head up, make eye contact, and smile. A bully is less likely to single you out if you show your self-confidence. Walk Tall … Walk Proud!
The only time you should ever think of fighting back is when you physically have to defend yourself. Even then, keep eyes open for an escape route. Chances are, if someone wants to fight, they know they have a good chance of winning.
Make More Friends And Use The Buddy System!
Bullies like an audience of their friends so they can get attention and feel powerful. You should make friends and lots of them – or at least have a buddy! There's safety in numbers. A bully is less likely to approach you if you're surrounded by friends. Try to be friendly and respectful to everyone—smile at someone if you make eye contact in the hallways. Good friends or a buddy will want to stick up for you. It’s empowering when one or more kids stand up to a bully and lessens the bully’s power. Become a buddy to other kids who are being bullied.
Tell An Adult!
You are NOT a snitch or tattletale if you tell an adult you know that someone is hurting you or someone else. If you have tried to stop someone from bothering you and it's not working, get someone you trust to help you. Do the same for someone else who’s being bullied. Get the problem out in the open. Once people know about it, the bully is no longer in control. Not telling anyone — especially because the bully told you not to — is just making him or her feel more powerful.
Teachers, principals and parents can all help. Talk about it with your guidance counselor or teacher. Get your parents involved with the discussion.
When talking to an adult about this problem tell them:
Work With Your School And Student Councils!
It’s important for schools to get involved. Ask your school to declare a “No Bullying Begins Today” campaign! The school can raise a white flag in honor of the beginning of the campaign and put posters up all over school.
Your school can set up a web site where kids can anonymously report the person who is bullying them. That way victims can feel safe in making the report and the school can deal with the bully.
Ask your school to have a discussion at an assembly or an after school activity. Invite an organization to talk to the school assembly about anti-bullying.
Work with student councils to have programs on school safety, respect and anti-bullying.
Encourage anyone who’s being bullied to tell a teacher, counselor, coach, nurse, or his or her parents or guardians. If the bullying continues, report it yourself.
Grow Your Circle of Friends!
If a bully is talking about you, remind yourself about all of your good qualities. Do things that you are good at. Try something new; you may discover a talent you never knew you had. Join clubs or sports teams. This gives you a wider range of interests and by growing your circle of friends you have a larger group of peers and more positive people to spend time with.
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