Advocate For Child Abuse Prevention In Your Community

Take Action and Advocate for
the Prevention of
Violence Against Children …

Create Public Awareness

Public awareness and advocacy is essential to helping prevent violennce against children. You have the opportunity to share information with colleagues, your community and the public at large.

If we speak loud enough our federal, state and local officials will begin to listen, Only then will children become a national priority and only then will our country have a NO TOLERANCE child protection policy. Elected officials DO pay attention to the views of their own constituents - especially when there are MANY constituents speaking in unison. 

There are many different ways you can help promote awareness of violence against children, some of which are listed below.

Tell 10 friends how they can help break the cycle of violence against children. Send Love Our Children USA your name and the email addresses of 10 of your friends and we'll send a message from you on how they can get started.
Click Here and TELL A FRIEND

Conduct community activities

  • Organize a community-wide event such as Love Our Children USA’s GET BLUE Blue Ribbon campaign, a family fun night, or a candlelight vigil in remembrance of those who have experienced child violence.
  • Distribute brochures or pamphlets pertaining to violence against children at events.

Provide information to colleagues and other professionals

  • Work with Love Our Children USA to create, inserts your employer can include with bills or paychecks.
  • Display Love Our Children USA’s campaign at a meeting or conference to raise awareness of violence against children.
  • Organize a brown bag lunch to inform those you work with about child violence and brainstorm ideas about how you might work together to help prevent it.
  • Request Love Our Children USA to speak to your company or group.

Contact the media

  • Let newspaper, television, and radio stations know the types of news you want to hear and want other people to hear about.
  • Publicize local facts and statistics about child abuse.
  • Write a letter about child abuse and neglect to the editor of your local newspaper.
  • Submit a press release pertaining to an event or occurrence related to child abuse and neglect.
  • Write an article or suggest that your newspaper write a feature section on some aspect of child abuse and neglect.
  • Provide the media with Love Our Children USA’s public service announcements.
  • Inform the media of special events pertaining to child abuse and neglect, such as conferences, family events, fundraisers, ceremonies to celebrate volunteers or people who deserve recognition for their work in prevention, etc.

Take Action and Contact Public Officials
We are the voices of America ’s children. We must take Action NOW!

How To Contact Your Public Officials

  • Email: Find the names of your federal and state elected officials so you can target your message to those who are likely to listen
  • Phone: When action is urgent, such as an upcoming vote on an important bill for children, phone your Senators or Congressman. To contact your federal representatives by phone, call (202) 224-3121, tell the operator where you live and you will be connected with their office. Call the White House comment line at (202) 456-1111.
  • Mail: Snail mail is slow but it works. Whenever you send a letter, be sure to include your name and address for a response. Click here for addresses for your Senators and your Representative
  • In Person: Speaking directly to your elected officials is the most effective way to communicate with them. Make an appointment to visit your congressman in his or her home office … attend town hall meetings where elected officials seek input from constituents ... invite your local representatives to your community's preschool program or child care center to visit with the children and parents. 

Encourage other parents to join you and tell their personal stories or feelings child violence in any or all of its forms. Ask those in power to take a leadership role to fight for children’s protection and ‘No Tolerance.’ Hold them accountable.

- April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month

- The first Saturday of every April is National Love Our Children Day

- October is Domestic Violence Prevention Month

… All of these are good opportunities to take advantage of promoting awareness to keep the issue of child abuse and neglect in the public's attention ... because sadly, violence against children happens every day.

Contact Us

Toll Free:
1.888.347.KIDS (5437)