

"You Must Be The Change You Want To See In The World
- Gandhi

Love Our Children USA was founded on a promise to America's children to keep them safe.
Our commitment is to break the cycle of violence against children.
Empowering the public with knowledge … giving children and youth a voice by speaking for them… advocating for their safety and taking their message to the media and to our communities … a liaison between those with no power and those with power.
Practicing safe and positive parenting in every home … every school ... every community across America ... for all children ... creating successful families.
Getting to the root of the cause of child violence ... and breaking the cycle — before it starts.
And ... by doing this we can stop domestic violence which begins with the victimization of children.
Keeping America's Children Safe ® ... Strengthening America's Families
This is the purpose, passion and commitment of Love Our Children USA. Mission Statement
Love Our Children USA is the leading national nonprofit and ‘Go-To’ prevention organization fighting all forms of violence and neglect against children in the U.S.
Since 1999, Love Our Children USA has broken ground in preventing violence against children and eliminating behaviors that keep them from reaching their full potential. Love Our Children USA teaches effective parenting solutions and fosters kid success by creating valuable programs that empower positive changes in parenting and family attitudes, bullying and cyberbullying prevention, Internet safety and school violence prevention through public education. The goal of Love Our Children USA is keeping children safe and strengthening families.

Contact Us

Toll Free:
1.888.347.KIDS (5437)
email: info@loveourchildrenusa.org