When asked what one can do to prevent child abuse and neglect, the most common answer is ”Me, what can I do?” As an individual, as a member of your community …
you have the power to make a huge difference!
You can stop a child from being victimized or neglected by:
Please take a few moments to remind children you know that:
Help Build The Bridge From Prevention Awareness To Action In Your Community: It is up to us to build strong communities where families and children live. It is in these communities that children are safest from abuse and neglect. Here are some things you can do as a concerned individual:
Raise The Issue
Call or write your candidates and elected officials to educate them about issues in your community and the need for child abuse prevention, intervention, and treatment programs.
Encourage your local school district and faith community to sponsor classes and support programs for new parents.
Reach Out To Kids And Parents In Your Community.
Supporting kids and parents in your family and in your community helps to reduce the likelihood of child abuse and neglect. Be a good neighbor. Offer to baby-sit. Donate your children's used clothing, furniture, and toys for use by another family. Be kind and supportive, particularly to new parents and children.
Recognize Some Of The Warning Signs That A Child Might Be Abused Or Neglected:
Report Suspected Abuse Or Neglect
If you even suspect abuse or neglect report it—and keep reporting it—until something is done. Contact child protective services (in your local phone book) or your local police department.
Other Ways You Can Help
Finally—and most important if you are a parent—remember that prevention is a positive thing, and it begins at home. Take time to re-evaluate your parenting skills. Be honest with yourself—are you yelling at your children a lot or hitting them? Do you enjoy being a parent at least most of the time? If you could benefit from some help with parenting, seek it. Getting help when you need it is an essential part of being a good parent. Talk to a trusted professional, take a parenting class, read a book about child development.
You are the Power of One Person!
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