Blue Ribbon Pins

Blue Ribbon Pins

Eversince the spring of 1989 when a Virginia Grandmother namedBonnie began wearing a Blue Ribbon as a tributeto her grandson, a three year old whose mother's abusiveboyfriend killed him, concerned citizens all over Americahave worn the blue ribbon as a symbol to prevent childabuse and neglect.

The Blue Ribbon Campaign has gained national momentum. Itis one way that everyone can play a role in the awarenessof violence against children -- in all its forms. By demonstrating your concern and commitment,others will want to wear the ribbon too. It's a powerfulway to rally everyone in your community to support publicawareness for child abuse prevention and programs that help parents and children.

Purchase Blue Ribbon Pins HERE

By wearing the Blue Ribbonpin you are making a difference for children!

Love Our Children USA invites you to challenge people to display a blue ribbon in every business, every church and synagogue, every school, every hospital, and in every home... challenge kids and adults to wear their blue ribbons proudly. Please involve your neighborhood and community... ask everyone to respond to this national challenge. Learn about the issue of child abuse and encourage your friends to do the same. Please join the nation in preventing child abuse.

Eachyear over 3 million children are victims of childabuse, and those are ONLY the ones that are reported …each year almost 1.8 million children are reportedmissing – many of them abducted from their own homesand front yards. Child abuse kills more than 3 children every day in the U.S.

Because so many cases of child abuse go unreported, it is estimated that the actual number of victims is 3 times greater than the actual reports. Children in the USA are more apt to die from abuse than from accidents.

Violence against children comes in the forms of: physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, emotional and verbal abuse, abandonment, and death. Love Our Children USA is committed to raising awareness, educating the public. In order to make a bigger impact it is essential that communities all over the country get involved.

Do you know:
In the year 2000, an average of 2,400 children each day were victims of child abuse.

NUMBERS: Each week, child protective services (CPS) agencies throughoutthe United States receive more than 50,000 reportsof suspected child abuse or neglect.
CHILDREN:  No group of children is immune. Boysand girls are almost equally likely to experience neglectand physical abuse. However, girls are four times morelikely to experience sexual abuse.
Children of all races and ethnicities experience childabuse. In 2000, more than one-half of all reported victimswere White (51 percent); one-quarter (25 percent) wereAfrican American; and 14 percent were Hispanic. AmericanIndian/Alaska Natives accounted for two percent of victims,and Asian/Pacific Islanders accounted for one percentof victims.
Children of all ages experience abuse, but the youngestchildren are most vulnerable. Children younger than oneyear old accounted for nearly one-half (44 percent) ofchild abuse and neglect deaths reported in 2000; 85 percentof the children who died were younger than six years ofage.
PERPETRATORS: At least 4 out of 5 victims are abusedby at least one parent.

Bydefinition, perpetrators of child abuse and neglect arethe very people responsible for the child's safety andwell-being (including parents, other relatives, and babysitters).
The most common group of people found to be responsiblefor neglect and physical abuse were mothers acting alone(47 percent and 32 percent of victims, respectively).In cases of sexual abuse, non-relatives and fathers actingalone are more likely to be responsible (29 percent and22 percent of victims, respectively).

Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administrationfor Children and Families, Children's Bureau (2002).

Pleasetake a few moments this month to remind children you know that:

  • Violence affects all of us whether we are directly involved or witnesses.
  • It is our duty and the law to report it
  • No one ever deserves to be abused.
  • Children are never to blame for the abuse and violence that are   inflicted upon them.
  • Children should always telling a trusted adult about the abuse
  • To learn more about child abuse click here

The price of each Blue Ribbon pin is $7.00 includingshipping and handling.
Click Here to purchase online or call 212.629.2099 or 1.888.347.KIDS.

Youcan also buy Blue Ribbons by check. Please make your check payable to Love Our Children USA and send to

Love Our Children USA,
220 East 57th Street,
9th Floor - Suite G,
New York, NY 10022-2820.

We'll send your Blue Ribbon pins immediately so you can begin to raiseawareness for America's kids!

For every blue ribbon that is worn across the country ... is another child in America who has bruises, who cries, who hurts, who is afraid, and sadly - who we may have already lost.

ALL children so desperately need and want is love, safety, and nurturing! Child abuse is everyone's problem!

Let's create beautiful dreams for our kids... instead of shattering them!
WhatIndividuals Can Do To Help Build The Bridge From PreventionAwareness To Action In Your Community:

Itis up to us to build strong communities where familiesand children live. It is in these communities that childrenare safest from abuse and neglect. Here are some thingsyou can do as a concerned individual:

RaiseThe Issue
Call or write your candidates and elected officials toeducate them about issues in your community and the needfor child abuse prevention, intervention, and treatmentprograms.

Encourage your local school district and faith communityto sponsor classes and support programs for new parents.

Reach Out To Kids And Parents In Your Community.
Supporting kids and parents in your family and in yourcommunity helps to reduce the likelihood of child abuseand neglect. Be a good neighbor. Offer to baby-sit. Donateyour children's used clothing, furniture, and toys foruse by another family. Be kind and supportive, particularlyto new parents and children.

Remember The Risk Factors
Child abuse and neglect occur in all segments of our society,but the risk factors are greater in families where parents:

  • Abuse alcohol or drugs
  • Are isolated from their families or communities
  • Have difficulty controlling their anger or stress
  • Appear uninterested in the care, nourishment, or safetyof   their children 
  • Seem to be having serious economic, housing, or personal  problems

Recognize Some Of The Warning Signs That A Child MightBe Abused Or Neglected:

  • Nervousness around adults
  • Aggression toward adults or other children
  • Inability to stay awake or to concentrate for extendedperiods
  • Sudden, dramatic changes in personality or activities
  • Acting out sexually or showing interest in sex thatis not appropriatefor his or her age
  • Frequent or unexplained bruises or injuries
  • Low self-esteem
  • Poor hygiene

Report Suspected Abuse Or Neglect
If you even suspect abuse or neglect report itandkeep reporting it—until something is done. Contactchild protective services (in your local phone book) oryour local police department.

Other Ways You Can Help

  • Build a support network by getting involved in your neighborhood.
  • Develop friendly relationships with your neighbors and their   children.
  • Problems often seem less overwhelming when you have   support nearby.
  • Get involved in your child's school. Join the parent-teacher association and attend school events.
  • Talk to your friends and neighbors about to stop violence against children.


Contact Us

Toll Free:
1.888.347.KIDS (5437)